Monday, March 2, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

They all say this is a great movie because it was nominated for ten Academy Awards and it has a great story. As I see the movie out of inquisitiveness, well they were all right. All along I believe this movie was just some typical love story that the guy wants to see the person he love by joining this contest and the characters of the story wasn’t really well known artist so I thought that this is not a good movie. Read more


Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree! Slumdog Millionaire really was everything it was hyped up to be... I also went in not really knowing what to be and was definitely pleasantly surprised.

Mac Callister said...

this is one feel good movie and i will watch it over and over again

Uday Kiran said...

yeah as above all said d movie was really awesome.........d child characters has also done a very good job...and background score and music score by A R Rahman.., was awesome..........

The Guy's Perspective said...

I agree! One of my favorite movies.

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